Thursday, November 4, 2010


we could not leave the East without a trip (or three) to NYC.
first stop... Absolute Bagels on the Upper West Side.
this is Yeshe amusing me before we head downtown.
next stop... The LES.
we enjoyed Mamoun's Falafel before meeting Tina and Kizuki for a romp in Tompkins Square Park
at 3 Uta got out of school.
just in time to help us curb our cup cake craving!!!
thank goodness for Uta and Sweet Sunshine Bakery!
my favorite was the vanilla chocolate chip!
and i love that they have candles on hand!

after so much fun, yo yo tricks and catching up...
it was time to say see you later.
thanks to Tina, Uta and Kizuki for a lovely day downtown.

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