Sunday, December 5, 2010

11.8.10.... 12pm-10pm

 Not a bad road to be on...
 A road with ponies that want to be pet.
 Scruffy and feisty.
So handsome.
 I am starting to wonder if this day actually happened....
Everything looked like a dream.
 We were well into the Navajo Reservation by now.


  The light was unreal.
It looked ten times more amazing than these pictures can convey.

The clouds looked like balloons casting shadows over these Monuments.
But this is all well documented on the internet, so it must be real.

 We made a friend, too!
 Sort of... she was very skinny and clearly nursing puppies. She let us feed her a peanut butter sandwich, but no petting. She was too skittish for that.

Thank goodness it finally got dark so we could make some headway towards the Grand Canyon.
           We stopped for sodas and gum at this old gas station.
Then drove, carefully, on icy and snowy roads through The Kaibab Nation Forest.
We set up car camp at a rest stop in Jacob Lake, AZ.
We were only 45 miles from our next stop!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

11.8.10.... 6am-12pm

After our day of bike riding..... we drove into Arches National Park (at sunset!!!) and just in time to get a campsite for the night.
We don't really have any pictures that do what we saw justice. the light, the shadows amazing.
But this is what we woke up to. 
The desert is magical.
Arches is other worldly.
We can't wait to go back!

All this before noon!
It was an amazing start to an epic day.
After grabbing lunch at Love Muffin Cafe
and more road/camping supplies at Moonflower Market 
It was time to start moving towards The Grand Canyon!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We woke up in the desert! It was crazy to roll into town in the dark, check in to a crappy Days Inn, pass out after a solid 12 hour driving day.... and then be greeted in the morning by the red rocks!
  We rented mountain bikes and headed off on some of the less challenging trails. This was my first time on a serious mountain bike on real terrain... and I am alive to tell of it! So that is something. And I would do it again!
I got to rest and sit in the quit of the desert while Yeshe tore up some of the more real deal trails.
It was a good day and well worth renting bikes!


 The Rockies!! There they are! Huge and amazing! Camera phones are no match for their grandness.
We spent the day driving through and around them. We saw the first of many elk.

 Yelp has been invaluable on this trip! It helps find so many little gems....
like El Tapatio! Of course I thought of you, Alpaca. And I wished all my Alpacas could have been with me. We so would have taken advantage of this Margarita special!

 Happily full of yummy food... we got back on the road to Moab, UT!


 Paul's day off!! We started with brunch at Snooze.
 Then silly times back at the apt. before a delicious dinner with Paul's lovely mom.

 Later (and late!) that night, we were treated to a tour of New Belgium Brewing.
 Thank you, Josh!!!!!!!!!!

 Beer drinking was part of the tour.

 I loved EVERYTHING about the facility. 
 It was all so clean and efficient. 
AND there were bikes everywhere! 
Beer and Bikes....sigh.

Scotty Parks!
Seriously, New Belgium is an awesome, innovative and inspiring company.  
Fortunately, I have seen their logo hanging in many bar windows here in PDX!
I will be a loyal consumer from here on out!
Thanks again to Josh for the tour and to Paul for his bed.