Sunday, December 5, 2010

11.8.10.... 12pm-10pm

 Not a bad road to be on...
 A road with ponies that want to be pet.
 Scruffy and feisty.
So handsome.
 I am starting to wonder if this day actually happened....
Everything looked like a dream.
 We were well into the Navajo Reservation by now.


  The light was unreal.
It looked ten times more amazing than these pictures can convey.

The clouds looked like balloons casting shadows over these Monuments.
But this is all well documented on the internet, so it must be real.

 We made a friend, too!
 Sort of... she was very skinny and clearly nursing puppies. She let us feed her a peanut butter sandwich, but no petting. She was too skittish for that.

Thank goodness it finally got dark so we could make some headway towards the Grand Canyon.
           We stopped for sodas and gum at this old gas station.
Then drove, carefully, on icy and snowy roads through The Kaibab Nation Forest.
We set up car camp at a rest stop in Jacob Lake, AZ.
We were only 45 miles from our next stop!